Discussion Thread: Teachers as Leaders
In this module's Discussion, we will look at how leaders influence others to make change in their life, their way of working, or in the direction of their organization. To achieve this, leaders must use some measure of power. In 1959, social psychologists John French and Bertram Raven identified "Five Power Bases" used in leadership. After you have listened to the course videos, do a brief internet search for "French and
Raven's Power Base Theory."
Now, take a moment to consider Dr. Bredfeldt's book, Great Leader, Great Teacher. The theme of the book is that teachers are powerful leaders because they influence others to change through their teaching roles.
• Identify a positive example of a teacher/leader who influenced your life, work, or organization by exercising one of the power bases in a legitimate and ethical way through his/her teaching.
• Identify a negative example of a teacher/leader who influenced your life, work, or organization by exercising one of the power bases in an illegitimate, unethical or damaging way through his/her teaching.