
How leaders balance safety and challenge within group

Reflection Questions (Choose 1-3 questions to reflect upon) - Family Systems Theory

Heightening one's self-awareness is a key aspect of development as a group leader. You are encouraged to reflect on the following questions.

1. Which of the theories addressed in this chapter do you think most fits with your view of group work? What is it about that theory that fits best with you?

2. Of the theories identified in this chapter, which least matches your present view of group work? What areas of this theory are in conflict with your outlook?

3. Is this your first introduction to any of the theories described in this chapter? If so, which ones? Are there aspects of these theories that you need to read more about?

4. What is your view of the role that experience should play in groups? Of what importance are the experiential aspects of a group as compared to other dimensions?

5. Of the assumptions about group work discussed in this chapter, which would you personally rank as the most important for a successful group?

6. Are there any additional assumptions about groups that you think should be added to the list?

Reflection Questions (Choose 1-3 Questions to reflect upon)

In past groups in which you have participated, what group leader behaviors contributed most to the quality of the experience? How did the leader(s) balance safety and challenge within the group? What is the optimum mix of safety and challenge that you prefer for yourself?

What past experiences have you had serving in a leadership capacity? Did you find yourself focusing strictly on the task(s) at hand, or did you also attend to the emotional needs and      experiences of others?

How confident do you feel at this point in your training to use your "self" as a tool for your work with groups?

Think back to a time when you had a fair to high level of confidence. How do you think this happened? What experiences did you have that contributed to building your confidence in this way?

If you have a low level of confidence, what kinds of experiences do you think might be beneficial in helping you develop it?

What are some options for you to increase your level of group leadership experience? What kinds of groups would these experiences include? What supervised opportunities exist for you within these groups?

How comfortable are you with using humor in your work with groups? What guidelines might assist you in deciding what is an appropriate use of humor as compared to what would likely detract from a group?

What are some ways in which you might bring some of your creativity into your group leadership? Can you identify some direct and indirect ways of incorporating it?

For you, what would be an ideal co-leadership arrangement? What are some key features that you would want in your co-leadership relationship? How will you try to ensure that these factors      will be part of any arrangement in which you participate?

What factors described in this chapter will be most helpful in developing your group leadership skills? Are there factors not addressed in this chapter that you expect will also contribute? If so, what are they?

In terms of your current developmental level and your experience in leading groups, at which stage would you put yourself based on the developmental stages described in this chapter?

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