
How knowledgeable is the author on this subject what

The evaluation is a single, unindented, double-spaced paragraph not to exceed one page. You should be critical of your chosen website in your evaluation, and the following questions should be addressed. Please note that your paragraph should not just be a series of answers to these questions; it should be an overall evaluation and read as such.

1. Detailed description of the site

2. Credibility of the site's author

a. How knowledgeable is the author on this subject?

b. What evidence is offered to support that authority?

3. Accuracy of the site's information

a. Are sources for information clearly listed so they can be verified?

b. Are there grammatical and spelling errors?

c. Are source materials complete or edited?

d. Are all images identified with proper citations?

4. Site bias

a. Is there reason to suspect bias?

b. Is there any commercial advertising on the site?

c. Is there a political/ideological/religious bias or other agenda?

5. Site purpose

a. To provide general, or scholarly, information?

b. To persuade? To entertain? To explain?

6. How current is the information on the site?

7. Do any links on the site lead you to any related material? Are the links easy to navigate?

8. Site Design. Consider these issues:

a. Is the text easy to read?

b. Does the site's structure and navigation make sense?

c. Do the graphics contribute to your understanding or appreciation of the material?

d. What might you suggest to make this site more effective?

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History: How knowledgeable is the author on this subject what
Reference No:- TGS0993596

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