Models of Values Development
"Human values development," which is a product of our sociocultural environment, reflects the content and process of learning what is considered right and wrong within the culture. Values development moves from a focus on self, through responding to external forces, toward being guided by universal considerations.
Moral values need to be viewed within a cultural perspective.
Values are derived from belief, and belief drives action. With this in mind, it is helpful to examine ideas about the origin and development of beliefs. Beliefs form our conception of the world and they provide a framework within which perceptions occur.
Kohlberg's model, often referred to as an ethic of justice, suggests that choices are based on objective rules and principles and are made from a stance of separateness.
In Gilligan's model, often referred to as an ethic of care, the moral imperative is grounded in relationship and mutual responsibility. Choices are contextually bound, requiring strategies that maintain connections and a striving to hurt no one.
The notion of a plurality of moral voices, which is imbedded in a cultural-developmental approach to values development, is an important consideration for nursing.
Answer this please.
• Select one of the values development theories and write a paragraph on how knowledge of their chosen theory can help them in practice.