
How karen lam motivates

Assignment- "How Karen Lam Motivates"

A key concept in this course is MOTIVATION. But not only bosses motivate, many people motivate others.

This 700 word paper will focus on a real person you know personally. You will discuss how this real person motivates others.

1. First, briefly set the stage. Introduce your person, possibly but not necessarily a manager or leader. (100 words)

2. Then discuss, and critique, how he or she gets others to do what he or she wants them to do. Hopefully you can do this in a way that brings the character to life, keeps the reader interested, AND gives new insights as to how REAL people can motivate others, no matter what job title. (300 words)

3. Use an interesting title so people will want to read your paper. Make it informative, and interesting, and with smart ideas about a REAL person. Learn to draw ideas from everywhere, including real life. In these reports you will have a chance to look at how some real person YOU PERSONALLY KNOW motivates, makes things happen, using examples from your own experience. (300 words)

4. You will want to read the chapter of your text that deal with motivation before you write, and you may well use your real life example to illustrate or cast doubt on ideas from our text but the key is YOUR analysis. But, your example and your own thoughts will be the keys.

5. Please do NOT prepare an academic theoretical paper. Rather, write your essay using A REAL PERSON YOU KNOW as a point of departure. There is no set format for this report. Any paper that starts with the words "This paper is about" is in danger of being burned.

6. Try to capture the reader's attention, and set the direction and purpose of your report, in the first couple sentences. Then make your key points, each main idea in its own paragraph. Wrap it all up in an interesting concluding paragraph. MAKE THE PAPER INTERESTING ENOUGH SO THAT YOUR MOTHER WOULD READ IT, THE WHOLE THING. SO, a unique essay. This will be a paper only you could do, because it is about someone YOU know, YOU have watched. There is no instruction book, no set of clear guidelines, neither here nor in life. Be creative, think, analyze, and share your insights! There is a certain element of risk in having such open an ended freewheeling ssignment. The paper will be 700 words or less. This is typically 2 pages typed 12 point font normal margins.

Please read the question a few more times you will realise that, item 6 gives you the flexibility to write something that you like to craft out he story line but stay

within the scope of Motivation. Thus, two things you must choose first: the Title of this assignment and the purpose and direction of the report (highlighted in Blue). Below is an example of how I will write the report to bring in the 5 tests.

Assignment-: "Motivation is Free"

The path of success depends on how much we motivates our self. But when we are down and out we really need another person to jump start us like when our car battery is weak we need another battery to give us the right power and direction. In this deliberation, I will touch on three things. A person called Salam who I used as a role model who motivates others for free. The character of this person who I believe is aligned with my expectations and inculcated similar like mindedness like myself. The way he motivates others is sound and effective because the people trusts him. Some people called this a "Trusted Advisor/Coach". In fact Salam is my Tennis instructor and he works for a multinational enterprise as a company's driver for the CEO.
(Part-I I am sure you know what to write which should not exceed 150 words).

(Part-II is where you write about your own character based on the 5 tests and as you have mentioned why you choose Salam because both his and your characters are aligned. The results of some of other students are attached and you have to adapt the write-up to suit you). In this way your report has elements of scientific analysis which is to change 100% qualitative analysis to quantitative analysis.

If still don't understand, please ask now.

Salam is a lucky man. His CEO wants to understand him better and put him on a Personality Tests of their HR department. The five traits are Extrovert, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness to Experience. Apparently, Salam score the highest for Conscientiousness (hard working and honesty).

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