
How ishikawa has influenced quality practices

The project involves researching and writing a short biography on Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa. Our text addresses many of the areas in the management and control of quality and provides a great amount of information on a number of different quality concepts. However, the authors only mention Dr. Ishikawa in passing. Just who is Kaoru Ishikawa?

Create a 1,000-word biographical paper on Ishikawa, describing his contributions to quality. You should not limit your research to online materials. Two of his books are excellent sources: (1) What Is Total Quality Control: The Japanese Way (1985) and (2) Guide to Quality Control (1976).

You will research this person's life and work to determine the impacts that he has had in the world. You will define the quality leader's significant contributions to modern quality practices in terms of major impacts in a specific organization. The project will enable you to understand

• Ishikawa's key ideas;

• how Ishikawa has influenced quality practices throughout the world;

• how his ideas fit into total quality management; and

• the implications of Ishikawa's ideas for the future of quality.

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Other Subject: How ishikawa has influenced quality practices
Reference No:- TGS01775638

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