
How is young beowulf as thane to hrothgar different

Assignment task:

Provide your response in a paragraph (5 or more detailed sentences each) to each of the 3 bullets, 15 sentences total, based upon your reading and research.

Provide your sources after each answer in the MLA format (Rosenberg 412) where the first is the last name of the author and the number is the page. If you refer to the textbook you only need this. If you use other sources use this same format and follow up with a more complete bibliographic entry regarding how I can find it.

Upload your responses here as a MS-Word document.

How is young Beowulf as thane (pledged aristocratic retained warrior) to Hrothgar different and/or similar from Wiglaf as thane to King Beowulf?

How is King Beowulf's actions to protect his people from the dragon different from King Hrothgar's actions to protect his people against Grendel?

According to the original epic of Beowulf (not the movies :) what is the source of Grendel's anger? (Hint: given Grendel's state of original sin as spawn of Cain) How is this different from modern re-tellings what is the different view of the source of his anger? (watch some of the modern renditions or look up synopses on imdb etc.--oppression and revenge) Be specific and cite your sources.

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English: How is young beowulf as thane to hrothgar different
Reference No:- TGS03353092

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