
How is their leadership aligned with the organizational

Volkswagen Automotive Group - Answer the following parts in 2-3 pages (Times New Roman, 12 Font, Double Spaced)

  • Vision and Mission (statement) - does the organization have a vision or mission, and if so what are they? Do they have any organizational values, and is ethics/CSR/sustainability mentioned anywhere in the mission, vision, or values?
  • Goals - what are the organizational goals (e.g. short term / long term; strategic, tactical, and or operational; etc.)?
  • Strategies - what strategies does the organization employ (e.g. growth or stability; low cost or differentiation)? Do they undertake any environmental analysis (like SWOT)?
  • Decision making - how does the organizational make decisions? What style(s) do they use (e.g. rational, non-rational, etc.)? What decision criteria do they use? Data? Is there any effort to encourage ethical-decision making?

Organizational Culture - what type, if any, of culture does the organization have? What do they value?

Organizational structure (e.g. description, chart, etc.) - what is the structure? Is it mechanistic (centralized, tall, bureaucratic, etc.) or organic (decentralized, flat, etc.)? What divisions do they have (if any)? Does the structure encourage or discourage employee empowerment?

Human Resources (perks, incentives, hiring procedures etc.) - what are the HR practices? How is the HR process of attracting and hiring employees in sync with their organizational culture? Are they strategic in nature? What benefits do the organization offer? Is there a focus on training and development (i.e. a learning organization)? Does the organization have any policies on diversity and protecting employees? Do the HR practices encourage ethical activity and employees (e.g. do they have an ethics test as part of the screening process?)

How is their leadership aligned with the organizational structure and how do they communicate within the organization?

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Business Management: How is their leadership aligned with the organizational
Reference No:- TGS02864195

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