A. What are the appeals to ethos of Rep. Gutman (& the NRA) in the advertisement? What makes you think so? Pick 2 appeals to ethos and argue how each appeal is meant to make the target audience view Gutman (NRA). Be sure to explain how the appeal is made, what it suggests about the man (and the association), and why it appeals to the audience.
B. How is the term "reality" used by Gutman in this ad? What does it suggest about those who are pro gun-control?
C. What are 2 examples of the appeal to pathos in the ad? How and why is each meant to persuade the audience? Be sure to explain how your claim works to emotionally move the target audience.
D. What is relationship (in this ad) between the "right to bear arms" and "freedom"? Also, what (according to Gutman) seems to constitute "crime" and what is a "criminal" as opposed to a "legitimate gun owner"?
E. What is the myth (Barthes mythology) of Cuba, as it exists in the world of this ad?
F. Explain one of the many fallacies from the ad and how it works and why it is persuasive to the target audience.
G. Explain an appeal in the advertisement (other than appeals to ethos, pathos, and logos-like appeal to history or guilt or patriotism, etc...) and how and why that appeal works to persuade the audience in terms of Rep. Gutman's and/or the NRA's intent.
H. How is diction (specific word choice that generates an effect) used in the ad to persuade? Support your claim with specific evidence (the use of 2 specific words) and how the words are persuasive to the target audience.
I. Who is/are the target audience(s) and what is the goal (or intent) of the ad? What is being "sold"? Provide specific evidence for your conclusion.
J. Find an appeal to logos in the ad and explain how it is meant to support the central argument and how it persuades the target audience.