
How is the quality of the store brand promoted in relation

Store Walk Questionnaire- Suggestions for Store walk analysis

Adapted from a store walk list from Ross Barlow-Simpson of Institute Ltd and Retail Management by Levy and Weitz, this list should serve as a framework to help you observe retailers for your store walk analysis and your final project.

Before you enter the store:

- Parking lot and sidewalk cleanliness, parking lot maintenance

- Clean and attractive signage

- Adequacy and convenience of parking

- Exterior lighting

- Are there parking spaces for the handicapped?

- Does the outside of the store look like a store you want to shop in?

Upon entering the store look for:

- A natural, warm, comfortable décor

- Clean flooring

- Adequate lighting

- A festive air of merchandising excitement

- Clean and well-maintained shopping carts

- An attractive customer service station

- Are there restrooms, if so, are they signed clearly and are they clean?

- Is the store easy to shop in?

- Do you get a low price, or quality image?

- Is there background music?

- Is there a new-item section?

Employee presentation look for:

- Are employees well-groomed and do they have a neat appearance?

- Are employees cheerful and helpful?

- Do they have a common dress code?

- Are employees wearing name tags?

- Is there an employee recognition program?

In all departments, look for:

- High standards of cleanliness, both product and equipment

- Convincing proclamations that I am getting exceptionally good value

- Adequate aisle widths, easy shopping

- Merchandise placement for easy shopping

- Product directional or aisle signaling

- A layout that controls foot traffic to expose shoppers to the maximum range of products

- Shelf fixture cleanliness

- Is pricing easy to find/read?

- Is pricing complete and understandable?

- Are some sections overloaded with too many SKUs?

- Does the store use center aisle display? Are the aisles wide enough?

- How does the store smell, especially around fresh foods.

Store private label program:

- Is there a store brand program?

- Is the store brand left or right of the leading national brand?

- Does the store use point of sale on its corporate brand?

- How does store brand pricing compare to national brand counterparts?

- Are the labels in the store brands consistent from item to item?

- Is the label styling up to date with today's standards?

- How is the quality of the store brand promoted in relation to the national brand? Equivalent, superior, below

- Are there exclusive store brand products?

As you leave the store, look for:

- Checkout labor utilization

- Short checkout lines

- Efficient and courteous checking

- Proper bagging to avoid product damage

- A sincere "thank you"

- A quick checkout aisle for small orders

- Appropriate product merchandising at checkouts

- Self-service checkouts

Also observe the store layout:

- What extent are the store's layout, design, and merchandising techniques flexible?

- Notice the lighting. Does it do a good job in highlighting merchandise, structuring space, capturing a mood, and downplaying unwanted features?

- Are the fixtures consistent with the merchandise and the overall ambiance of the store? Are they flexible?

- Does the store layout help draw people through the store?

- Evaluate the retailer's use of empty space.

- Has the retailer taken advantage of the opportunity to sell merchandise in feature areas?

- Does the store make creative use of wall space?

- What type of layout does the store use? Is it appropriate for the type of store? Would another type of layout be better?

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Marketing Management: How is the quality of the store brand promoted in relation
Reference No:- TGS02785405

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