
How is the program documented in osha standards is there



The purpose of this assignment is to take an in-depth look at the topic you and your partnerchose from the list provided by the professor. The discussion in your paper needs to lead the reader systematically through the following:

1. Hazard Recognition

• Why does one or more hazard(s) exist for this material or work activity?
• Why was this program created and what does it achieve?


• How does OSHA address the hazard in the CFR 29 PART 1926 Construction regulation?
• How is the program documented in OSHA standards?
• Is there anyperceived ambiguity when reading the regulation?
• Are any Letters of Interpretation available on possible ambiguities or clarifications related to the regulation?
• Is this or has this material or activity been an ‘emphasis' area per OSHA and why?

3. Statistics and Trending

• Historically, what is the injury and fatality rate related with this activity or material?
• Has the Incident Rate for fatalities and/or injuries for your subject improved or declined on average in the last 10 years?
• For a program, what were the statistics prior to the program being implemented, what impact has the program had on statistics, or what should you expect if you implement the program?

4. Mitigation

• What does industry utilize to mitigate the hazard(s) via the hierarchy of controls to ensure worker safety, and how are they implemented?

5. Application

• How could apply these learnings to your career, family, hobbies, etc. (you must address your career at a minimum).

6. Follow Instructions

• A key component of this paper is to follow instructions!!
• Read this document thoroughly and check off the directions as you complete them.
• If you need assistance with writing, please visit the ASU Student Writing Center; you may schedule an appointment online


Generate an Abstract for submission to provide a summary of your intended approach.The Abstract must contain 100-150 words highlighting the focus of the paper and why you chose to research thetopic. An abstract summarizes the substance of your research paper, not just the structure. The abstract must provide a condensed discussion of the important points contained within the document and must tell the reader not only the major topics of the report, but also, what you said about those topics. It is a document that can stand on its own. The last line of your abstract must list three (3) keywords that could be used in a key word data base search that describe your paper. For example, if you chose to research Electrical Safety, keywords may be: amperage, conductors, and assured grounding.


Cover Page

Do not put the paper in a fancy folder or binder, a staple will suffice. Youmust have a cover page with both author's names and signatures. Your cover page must bear the title of your paper; however, the title does not have to be identical to the topic you chose. The cover page must also include the course title, your name, and the due date. At the bottom of the cover page, include the following: "I hereby certify that the contents contained within are my original work and have in no way been influenced by outside works other than my own personal research." With Both Signatures


This section introduces the reader to the topic you will be researching and needs to be labeled as such. Include in this section why you chose to research the topic, what you plan to address, and how it directly relates to construction safety. The Introduction is not the place to get into a lot detail. Try to keep this section clear and concise.


The body of the report mustreflect the research you complete. A link must be drawn between the topic you chose and its application to the construction industry. Include in this section any recent changes regarding your topic - this will require some additional digging, but safety research is moving ahead every day and new techniques are being applied on jobsites all over the country.You must include at least one innovation related to improvements in worker safety concerning your topic. If you include photos, graphs and figures, be certain to discuss the relevance of each to your topic. These figures must be numbered,descriptively titled, and be referenced in the text of your report.Please do not simply place photos in the paper to meet the page limit. They must be relevant and supportive of your discussion. If your paper is not easy to follow or does not meet the requirements, a failing score will be issued.


This section must be included and labeled as such. This part of the paper will summarize your thoughts, research and any information that you learned while completing this paper. Remember to close the paper strongly with a summary of the relevant points discussed in your research.


A reference section is mandatory on a single sheet in the rear of the report.Failure to reference will result in a 0. You also must indicate in the text of your paper where each of the references are being cited or quoted.For this paper at a minimum you must cite:


The maximum number of pages of the report is THREE NOT including the cover page, abstract, or reference page(s). The report is to be computer generated, Times New Roman, 12-font, 1" margins, double-spaced with page numbers. Any sketches, photos, etc., will be counted in the page count - up to a point! Please do not run text for page after page without using punctuation or paragraph.APA formatting is preferred but will accept MLA and Engineering format. You may NOT use contractions in the paper. If you use a contraction, you will get 50% off your paper. You also must define acronyms before using it. If you fail to do this, you will get 10 pts off. Make use of subheadings and paragraph breaks as necessary to organize your thoughts and accommodate changes of subject to aid the reader. Make sure you are careful with overuse of pronouns, undefined acronyms, and inadequate referencing of photos and/or illustrations.Grammar and spelling will be graded closely in this professional report. Therefore, please review your report in detail prior to submission. Be careful when using spell check!!

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Business Management: How is the program documented in osha standards is there
Reference No:- TGS02465853

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