
How is the linux operating system related to gnu

Problem 1: What is the Free Software Foundation/GNU? How is the Linux operating system related to GNU?

Problem 2: What is a shell? How does it work with the kernel?

Problem 3: What language is Linux written in? How does the choice of language make Linux a popular operating system?

Problem 4: Describe two common methods to connect or to access a remote Unix/Linux system.

Problem 5: Assuming you are currently under your own home directory, will the following command work? Explain why.cd bin/cat

Problem 6: What are the folders /bin, /boot, /dev, /dev/null used for? Where did you find this information? (Cite your references)

Problem 7: Is Linux case sensitive? Explain.

Problem 8: Issue the following commands:

a. Show your working directory.

b. Make a Folder under your home directory and name it ITC5101Assignments.

c. Make a subfolder in ITC5101Assignments and name it Assignment1.

d. Make a file under Assignment1 and name it a1file.txt.

e. Write you first name and your last name in the above file.

f. What is the absolute path to a1file.txt?

g. What is the relative path to a1file.txt assuming your current directory is your home directory?

h. Display the current date and add it to a file named date.txt. This file should be under theAssignment1 directory.

i. Assume you are under the directory ITC5101Assignments. Issue a command to display thecontent of the directory named Assignment1. Use relative pathnames.

j. Assume that your current directory contains the files 'term-test', 'term-test1', 'term-test2','term-test2a', 'term-test3', and 'term-test4'. Issue a command to delete only the files 'term-test1' and 'term-test2' using wildcards.

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Software Engineering: How is the linux operating system related to gnu
Reference No:- TGS03223731

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