How is the information

Regarding the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR):
How is the information gathered?
List the 8 Index Offenses.
Describe three (3) advantages and two (2) disadvantages of these reports (one line for each).
How many total Index crimes were reported in 2005?
Regarding the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS):
Describe how the information is secured.
What types of information does the NCVS provide?
According to the NCVS, how many crimes were committed in 2005?
After comparing the UCR and the NCVS reports, explain which Index offenses the victims of crime are most likely and less likely to report to the police.
List the characteristics that a victim of aggravated assault is most likely to have.
What do the UCR and NCVS statistics tell us about crime trends (how much crime over time)?
Regarding repeat victimization:
Discuss Sherman's hot spots of crime findings.
What are some of the reasons for repeat victimization?
What crimes are most likely to be repeat victimization?
How does time frame affect repeat victimization?

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Business Law and Ethics: How is the information
Reference No:- TGS0932561

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