
How is the execution time different why is it different how


1. Consider the following C code:

int a = 0;
int main(){
printf("%d\n", ++a);
printf("%d\n", ++a);
printf("%d\n", ++a);

• Including the original process, how many processes end up calling exit()? Show
your work or modified code and output showing the correct count.

• What is one possible output of this program? Explain.

2. Included here is a trivial threaded program. The intended purpose is to construct a list of numbers from 1 to MAX-1, where each number occurs only once. Run the program and report what you observe in the output (hint: use wc to count the number of lines in the output), answering the questions: Is the output correct? If it is incorrect, why is it incorrect?

Now, if you've found that the output is incorrect, fix the program to produce the intended output. Describe what you've done, explaining why it works. Include your source as part of the answer.

Also, In your answer, include the execution times you've observed for both the original program and for one you've fixed to produce correct output. (see: man time) Try to answer at least the following: How is the execution time different? Why is it different? How does the result change your expectations of improving performance by dividing work into threads?

Hint 1: Look at man pages for sem init, sem wait, sem post.
Hint 2: Develop and test your code on os.cs.siue.edu. It will save you a headache.
Hint 3: Compile with the pthread library, e.g. gcc -lpthread yourprogram.

#define MAX 100000
FILE* out;
int main() {
pthread_t f3_thread, f2_thread, f1_thread;
void *f1();
int i = 0;
out = fopen("numbers", "w+");
pthread_join(f1_thread, NULL);
pthread_join(f2_thread, NULL);
pthread_join(f3_thread, NULL);
return 0;
void *f1(int *x){
while(*x < MAX){
fprintf(out,"%d\n", *x);

3. Here is another trivial threaded program. Each thread simply prints the value of the passed argument (ignore compiler warnings; we are abusing the argument pointer to pass an integer). Enter this program and run it a bunch of times. You'll notice that the order of thread execution is random. Without changing main(), use semaphores to enforce that threads always get executed in order, so that what is printed are the values 1, 2, and 3, in that order.

int main() {
pthread_t thread1, thread2, thread3;
void *f1();
pthread_join(thread1, NULL);
pthread_join(thread2, NULL);
pthread_join(thread3, NULL);
return 0;
void *f1(int x){
printf("%d\n", x);

4. Rewrite the following to working C code. Write a main() that creates five threads (one for each philosopher). Demonstrate that your solution works by printing something when each philosopher changes state. Let the program exit when each philosopher has eaten at least twice.

#define N                     5              //num of philosophers

#define LEFT          (i+N-1)%N              //num of i's left neighbor

#define RIGHT           (i+1)%N              //num of i's right neighbor

#define THINKING              0              //philosopher is thinking

#define HUNGRY                1              //philosopher is hungry

#define EATING                2              //philosopher is eating

typedef int semaphore;                       //semaphores are a special kind of int

int state[N];                                //array to keep track of everyone's state

semaphore mutex = 1;                         //mutual exclusion for critical regions

semaphore s[N];                              //one semaphore per philosopher

void philosopher(int i)                      //philosopher number, from 0 to N-1


  while(TRUE){                               //repeat forever

    think();                                 //philosopher is thinking

    take_forks(i);                           //acquire two forks or block

    eat();                                   //yum-yum, spaghetti

    put_forks(i);                            //put both forks back on table



void take_forks(int i)                       //i: philosopher number, from 0 to N-1


  down(&mutex);                              //enter critical region

  state[i] = HUNGRY;                         //record fact that philosopher i is hungry

  test(i);                                   //try to aquire two forks

  up(&mutex);                                //exit critical region

  down(&s[i]);                               //block if forks were not aquired


void put_forks(i)                            //i: philosopher number, from 0 to N-1


  down(&mutex);                              //enter critical region

  state[i] = THINKING;                       //philosopher has finished eating

  test(LEFT);                                //see if left neighbor can now eat

  test(RIGHT);                               //see if right neighbor can now eat

  up(&mutex);                                //exit critical region


void test(i)                                 //i: philosopher number, from 0 to N-1


  if(state[i] == HUNGRY && state[LEFT] != EATING && state[RIGHT] != EATING){

    state[i] = EATING;




5. Rewrite the following to working C code. Write a main() that creates two threads, one for the consumer and one for the producer. You must use a bounded buffer having a size N > 1. Demonstrate that your implementation works (print at least when an item is added to the buffer, when an item is removed from the buffer, when the buffer is full, and when the buffer is empty). Turn in code and output.

#define N 100                            //number of slots in the buffer

typedef int semaphore;                   //semaphores are a special kind of int

semaphore mutex = 1;                     //controls access to critical region

semaphore empty = N;                     //counts empty buffer slots

semaphore full = 0;                      //counts full buffer slots

void producer(void)


  int item;

  while(TRUE){                           //TRUE is a constant 1

    item = produce_item();               //generate something to put in buffer

    down(&empty);                        //decrement empty count

    down(&mutex);                        //enter critical region

    insert_item(item);                   //put new item in buffer

    up(&mutex);                          //leave critical region

    up(&full);                           //increment count of full slots



void consumer(void)


  int item:

    while(TRUE){                         //infinite loop

      down(&full);                       //decrement full count

      down(&mutex);                      //enter crtiical region

      item = remove_item();              //take item from buffer

      up(&mutex);                        //leave critical region

      up(&empty);                        //increment count of empty slots

      consume_item(item);                //do something with the item



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C/C++ Programming: How is the execution time different why is it different how
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