
How is the developmental issue of the remarriage process



View the first 41 minutes of "To the Bone" which portrays the experience of Ellen, and young adult who has lived with anorexia nervosa for many years.

In your reflection:

a) Where is this family in terms of the transitional phases of the divorce/remarriage process? Discuss the onedevelopmental issue of remarriage that this family is currently having the most difficulty with. What are some of the influences/impacts that are creating this difficulty? Provide a rationale and clear examples from your viewing of "To the Bone"

b) How is the developmental issue of the remarriage process that you identified in question #1 impacting Ellen's (Eli) experience of illness?

c) How would you prepare/approach the family session (meeting) differently?

d) Imagine you were about to meet with this family, to run the family session. Create two commendations and three circular questions to ask family members (they can be directed at a specific family member, or a relationship - i.e., Ellen and her biological mother). Provide a rationale for each circular question and commendation.

Place them in the order you might use them in a therapeutic conversation.

Why did you choose the order that you did? What was your intent?

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Reference No:- TGS03344679

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