What you need to do:
I do not need help to a complete project, however only to the analysis-part, that is STATA-coding/testing and analysis of results. More specifically, making the relevant coding in Stata (recodes, tests, handling of missing values, relevant analysis, item-item), that is OLS at two points in time, and analyse it. I also need help with what could constitute a few control variables. It is important to notice, that this project is relatively short, why the analysis should only be approx 8 pages.
Project as I imagine: I must investigate whether ratification of the European Convention of Human Rights (and the Court) (47 member states) effects the level of political terror (state inflicted terror) or compliance rate (compliance meaning that countries live up to the convention) and then I imagine to compare with additional countries. With background in compliance theories I assume that despite conventions and courts should change behaviour, they actually provide with a possibility to go on with same behaviour but just pay substitute. Ratification(of ECHR) → compliance (with ECHR, measured by state terror level)
Data set: I will primarily use the political terror scale dataset (PTS), that covers every country in the world and their political terror (state inflicted violations) from 1976 to 2015. Maybe I will include the Compliance with Human Rights Tribunals (CHRT) dataset, that among others covers judgments towards the 47 member states, I'm not sure whether it is relevant. https://www.politicalterrorscale.org/Data/Documentation.html
- My research question and hypothesis;
RQ: how is the correlation between ratification of the European Convention of Human Rights and countries Compliance rate. H1: Ratification of the ECHR has a negative effect on human rights compliance, leading to persistent or non-compliant behaviour. H2: States which have ratifies the Convention will behave with a smaller compliance rate compared with non-ratified states. (My theory says that taking part in human rights conventions are not making a difference). That is to investigate whether raritication of the ECHR (47 member states) affect the level of political terror, compared with additional countries.
1) Stata coding and 8 page-analysis:
2) Make relevant handling of variables and help with control variables.
Compliance (from PTS-data, means whether countries are living up to the convention), should be measured as compliance vs. noncompliance (the PTS has a 1-5 scale, should be recoded 1+2 should be compliance and the rest noncompliance). This variable should be a dummy, and based on the PTS, however the PTS has a 1-5 scale and this should be recoded, hence 1-2 is compliance and 3-5 is non-compliance.
Ratification: is whether a country has signed the convention Ratification is whether a country has ratified the European human rights convention (ECHR), I think one could use the CHRT dataset to determine whether countries take part in the ECHR, and therefore merge them.
Timelag covering the two points in time
Control variables ??
3) test two times in 1976 and in 2015 (only 27 countries and regarding Hypothesis 1): Since I only have compliance data from 1976 and onward, I think it would be best to test not all the 47 countries since some countries do not have data from before they took part in the ECHR. Therefore, in the appendix you see all 47 countries, but the countries that have data from before are countries number 20 (Spain) to number 47 (Montenegro). I think this is the best solution, although not including all 47 countries. Or do you think it should be more times than two?
4) Compare these 27 states with other states compliance rates: to see whether it holds trues that they have a negative compliance rate compared to them (according to theory). I think its important not to compare with the other ECHR-countries that we did not include in number 1..
5) Maybe Compare with CHRT-dataset and check if there is a correlation with the number of judgments, if countries with many judgments have the most state terror level and so forth. I mean that theory says that ratification of ECHR give them an opportunity to behave negatively, since they can pay. But maybe there is a difference in compliance rate an actual number of judgments.
6) make all the relevant programming/coding in the do-file, that is OLS I believe and among others, as I understand, inspection of dataset, data manipulation and revise the variables, relevant analysis and illustrations, chi, varians, ttest, missing values and handling of this and evaluation of the assumptions.
7) Tell me in very short what you have done with the variables, and if you decided to make any changes
Attachment:- Assignment.rar