
How is the concepts used in your current or past place of

Discussion: Learning Objectives for Environmental Analysis, SWOT Analysis, and the Value Chain

Discussion, choose one of the following three discussion topics. Your post should be 225-250 words and APA formatted.

1. Analyze the basic concepts and analytical tools used to diagnose a company's industry and competitive conditions.

2. Contrast the differences in the use and approach between a SWOT analysis and a SWOTT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats, and Trends) analysis.

3. Analyze why an in-depth evaluation of specific industry and competitive conditions is a prerequisite to crafting a strategy that is well matched to a firm's situation.

Discussion and Participation Guidelines

Discussion participation with your colleagues students and the Instructor for each question occurs over a minimum of three different days. You are required to engage in discussions with a minimum of three different colleagues. To be sure you are addressing all of the Learning Objectives for the week, respond to colleagues who selected different questions than you did for their initial post. Each response should be 100-125 words.

After your initial post, engage with colleagues and the Instructor in clarifying and mastering any concepts not fully understood. Points to explore in the first discussion topic could include:

• How is the concept(s) used in your current or past place of employment and/or career?
• How does the concept(s) relate to other concepts in the Learning Objectives?
• Why is it important for you to know and master these concept(s)?

Learning Resources

This page contains the Learning Resources for this week. Be sure to scroll down the page to see all of this week's assigned Learning Resources.

Required Resources


• Thompson, A. A. (2014-2015). Strategy: Core concepts and analytical approaches(3rd ed.) [BSG electronic edition]. Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill Education.

o Chapter 3, "Evaluating a Company's External Environment" (pp. 32-62)
o Chapter 4, "Evaluating a Company's Resources and Ability to Compete Successfully" (pp. 64-88)

Business Strategy Game (BSG) Simulation website:

• Thompson, A. A., Reidenback, M. A., Stappenbeck, G. J., Harms, C. C., & Thrasher, I. F. (2014). The Business Strategy Game: Competing in a global marketplace. Retrieved from https://www.bsg-online.com/

Visit this website to read Chapters 3 and 4 of the course e-book course and to continue your progress in the Business Strategy Game (BSG) SIM. This simulation provides opportunities for you to make some of the difficult decisions often encountered by managers as they seek to execute the strategy that has been established by senior executives who are responsible to the shareholders.


• Global Edge Learning (Producer). (2010). Value chains: Knowing your business model [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/hEeVocMBHHQ

• Oxford Learning Lab (Producer). (2009). SWOT analysis: How to create a useful one [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/V6NhsoVSD88

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Business Management: How is the concepts used in your current or past place of
Reference No:- TGS01706810

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