I understand the question I just need help creating the diagram for the case study. Any help creating the diagrams would be greatly appreciated. The diagram I need help with is for Janes situation.
Purpose: To strengthen and demonstrate your knowledge of the Cardiovascular and Respiratory System and their systemic relationships in the body. The ability to apply this content and think systemically with physiology processes will benefit you as a healthcare student and practitioner.
Criteria for Success: To be successful you will make sure you complete diagrams as instructed in the tasks, including proper values on the x & y-axis as well as labeling those. Make sure to label ESV, EDV, aortic and mitral valve opening and closing, and Isovolumetric relaxation and contraction where possible on the diagrams regarding blood volumes and pressure. You also need to make sure to list or provide explanation where necessary or where it is asked in the tasks. A successful submission would be very clear and easy to read and it would be easy to see the differences in pressures and volumes based on the given situations. For submission, you can submit them as a pdf or image from a phone if you are drawing these at home. I also suggest looking at the homework you have completed and the provided examples to help you in completing these tasks.
• Revisiting Jane: Jane was riding her horse on a warm sunny day (101 degrees Fahrenheit) when suddenly her horse stopped and reared up in the air. Jane was not prepared for this and fell hard backwards into the ground. As she hit the ground Jane's leg was gashed open by a large, sharp boulder that she fell next to. Jane began to bleed severely. Jane's pulse seems to be low (or hard to find) and her respiratory rate is at 23 breaths/minute. Jane's body spends the next couple hours physiologically compensating for her blood loss. Based on your knowledge of the cardiovascular system complete the following: Make a graph of Jane's cardiac output/venous return (y-axis) vs (as a function of) her central venous pressure (pressure in the veins - directly related to blood returning to the heart). Provide two points on the curve that represent (A) before she fell off the horse and (B) after she fell and suffered significant bleeding. Just use general numbers for central venous pressure (2-8 mmHg) and cardiac output of (2-7 Liters) Make sure the pressures and L/min are labeled correctly on each axis. Then list any compensatory mechanisms (physiological adjustments) the body is using to return the cardiac output to normal while bleeding - how is the body getting more blood back to the heart to deliver to the body?