Case Study: Shelterbox: A Decade of Disaster Relief
Discussion Questions
1. What are the key operations and logistics issues faced by ShelterBox?
2. Discuss the Global Sourcing concepts at work in this case? Are there inefficiencies, efficiencies, opportunities, etc...?
3. Based on our reading what concepts are discussed and what concepts aren't discussed but they should be? Please explain.
4. Think about the inventory practices discussed in this case. How are they doing? Is there room for improvement? What inventory concepts from our text are related to this case? Explain and provide details.
5. Discuss forecasting as it relates to this case. Can forecasting be used by any approaches her? Are there too many unknown unknowns to do it effectively? Please explain and provide details.
6. How is Supply Chain Management involved in this case? Please explain and provide details. Is Quality a factor? If not should it be? Regardless of your response make sure you explain your thinking.
Attachment:- Case-Study-OPM.rar