Symphony of the Soil ( Movie ).
Watch the following documentary then answer some questions about its content and message on the Discussion Board.
Commentary on the documentary video .
Please post a 2-3 paragraph response to the video on the Discussion Board. This includes what you thought, felt, liked, weak points, strong points, and so on, and WHY. Best comments come from thinking about and commenting on how the movie fits into the context of the course materials and labs. Remember: the review is your analysis of the movie. The commentary should include at least three distinct points you are making about the movie.
The following film questions should guide you:
Why is soil considered the living layer? Why is it the interface between geology and biology?
How is soil shaped by climate, parent material and biology?
What is the long term weathering products of soils as described at Hawaii?
By what mechanisms can new soil material move into an area? What percentage is soil transported to a place and what percentage is created in place from the bedrock?
Why should soil be viewed as a living thing? What are exudates that plants put out and what are they used for?
Where did nitrogen fertilizers come from? What demands did it place on agricultural fields?
How was plowing a problem on hillside soils? What civilization was ruined by over plowing? How much of the worlds arable soils have been lost?
What element are organisms in the soil looking the most for?
What is special about compost? What is it?
What is salinization of soils?
Why is organic farming healthier for soils and the environment?