Making Connections: Nutrients and Energy: Choices in Food Systems
In this task you will find an article related to personal nutrition or nutrition of a society. Choose an article from a publication for the general public. There are lots of biology-related news articles, but remember you have to write a reflection about the one you choose, and your writing is always most effective and enjoyable to read if the topic strikes a chord with you. Choose something that interests you, not just the first article that pops up in your search. For this reason, controversies are usually easier to write about. You will show how the issue in the article relates to personal choices and/or choices in society about nutrition and food systems.
You will show your work in a written reflection but it is up to you how you organize your thoughts into paragraphs.
Your written reflection should include the following:
a) A brief summary of the issue discussed in the article
b) How is this related to what we studied?
c) How is this relevant to personal choices or choices a government could make?
d) Any questions left unanswered.