
How is music used in black panther


A. What is the plot and theme of the film Black Panther? What is the main idea of the film?

B. What is the narrative form of the film Black Panther? What causes and effects, patterns of development, and narration occur in the film?

C. What cinematography is used in the film Black Panther, such as angle, level, heigh, and distance of camera position? What themes does the cinematography reveal?

D. What style of photography, such as lighting styles, color symbolism, or lenses that produce special effects is used in the film Black Panther?

E. What mise en scene examples are used in Black Panther and how do they relate to a theme of film?

F. How is mobile framing, such as moving camera shots, distortions of motion, the psychology of movement, duration of the image, used in Black Panther?

G. What editing style, such as graphic editing, relations between shots, continuity editing, and crosscutting is used in Black Panther?

H. How is music used in Black Panther and what type of music is used? What spoken language, such as quoted dialogue, subtext, nuance is used in the film? What sound effect are used in the film to establish character, build themes, or underscore dialogue?

I. Overall, how do these elements of film explain and relate to the theme and main idea of the film Black Panther?

J. Are there any negative aspects to the film elements used in Black Panther that could have been changed to improve the film?

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