
How is language used as a tool of

The CSUF experience encompasses academic as well tut social learning. Therefore we learn not only- from our course. But from the, people we meet on cam, and the experiences we have with them. Life is a journey' of self discovery. We are constantly seeking to determine who we are and where we belong in the world. Throughout this process:, language is both a bridge and a barrier to communication and human growth.

The general subject matter for this essay is language or language communities. The source of your information will be what you observe and hear by listening to others. The goal is to do a project based, on what our own minds can comprehend from diligent observation, note-taking, and reasoning, After obtaining information, you must analyze or interpret the, information for the reader.

The conclusion/result of your experiment is your thesis and should be present.

in the opening paragraph in one sentence. You should write what you know. Secondary material should not used in this essay. However you may dray, from our readings and class discussions. For instance Rodriguez. Lyiscott, Tan and others offers ideas on the power of language. It will be up to you to determine what particular focus your essay will take and what meaning you wish to convey to your reader. Do exploratory writing activities. Once you determine your focus, you will use the information you have already gathert.N1 to clarify your ideas and provide evidence for the points you wish to make.

If you prefer a more direct prompt. the suggested topics listed below might be helpful to you. Choose One Of the following topics to establish a focus and direction.

I) from your obsemations and conversations, what assumptions and stereotypes do we make about people based on language and behavior? What did you team from the experiment'?

2) You may examine body language as well as verbal language. Explore nonverbal communication in a group. What conclusions can you come to regarding the group based on nonverbal behavior?

3) Observe and identify a code language on campus,on your job, or in your personal arena. How is language used? is it effective? Analyze.

4) Have you become keenly aware of code switching, Who utilizes this language? In Your observations and conversations, did you find code switching to be an acceptable form of language? What are the risks and bias? Analyze.

5) Richard Rodriguez and Amy ran experienced similar struggles with language while growing up in homes in which English was spoken as a second language. However, both these writers were able to create a public identity and master English successfully. Who have you observed M families where English is spoken as a second language? Consider the positive and negative effects on family bonds. Does immersion in English create a harrier between family members?

6) Flow has social media impacted language use? Write an essay that explains the function of specific terms and phrases. You might examine the importance of acronyms in our culture.

7) Examine the social pressure to learn English. What have you observed and heard on this subject, consider the possibilities of living in two worlds. Investigate and write about people who straddle two worlds, cultures, and languages. What are the advantages of learning English? What are the disadvantages? What happens to families when they do not share the same language?

8) Many times we judge people based on their language. Jamila Lyiscott in "Articulate challenges us to think differently about -Proper- English versus slang. Do various settings/environment call for different languages? What conclusions can you make from your observations and conversations? Analyze your research.

9) How is language used as a tool of power?

10) You may also come up with your own topic on language. However, you must see me to discuss your topic before you begin to write.

Your finished essay should consist of strong opening and closing paragraphs, and four or more body paragraphs. The tone of your essay should be objective (omit l's). However, you may use -I" in one example. The general approach is analytical. This means that you present your material as a detached observer and that you examine the parts of your topic as the parts relate to the whole. You will utilize major writing skills such as: description, dialogue, definition. persuasion and analysis. You should be specific, concrete, and descriptive in your writing. Use the actual dialogue and/or quote the language heard when appropriate as your examples. Also, you may interview one or more subjects and incorporate pans of it into your writing. If you wish to attach the complete interview for reference, you may do so. Staple it to the final draft. Besides seeing me during office hours, you have access to the CSUF Writing Center for support. Please see me early if you have any questions. You must go to the Writing Center for this essay. Reminder: The requirement is that you write three full pages. Use MLA rules for all your essays.

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English: How is language used as a tool of
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