Religion is my favorite topic (okay, one of my favorites - there's too many to just pick one). It's why I save it for the end. One comment I see a lot when discussing religion is that religions don't change (at least not mine). But, like any other aspect of culture religions change all the time. In fact, if they didn't change, they would become irrelevant as the culture changed. (Seen any Rosecrucians, or Shakers, or Puritans lately? Feel free to look them up.) If you were to walk into a service (pick your faith) 500 years ago, you would have a hard time recognizing what was going on and how things were being explained. Yet... when we look to religion we want to see it as unchanging. That fundamental truths haven't changed, even though they have. Why do you think this is? How is it we adapt our beliefs to new times without realizing we're doing it? (For students of history you can look to the Great Awakening in the 1740's right here in the colonies to find your answer.)