
How is it distinguished from other members of the species

Zika Case Study

1. Typical Case

a. What does a typical case look like? Use the standard format for a patient presentation with chief complaint (CC), history of present illness (HPI), key physical exam details (PE), lab findings, signature signs, and any other important findings.

2. Description of the infectious agent

a. If it is a virus, what kind of nucleic acid does it have?

b. Does it target specific cellular types (tropism)?

c. Does it form a spore?

d. Is it aerobic?

e. Is it intracellular?

f. Can it only be grown in a specific type of media?

g. How is it distinguished from other members of the species?

h. Does the pathogen have a significant history with humans or animals?

3. Epidemiology

a. What do you feel are the most important points about the epidemiology of the disease?

b. Incidence?

c. Portal of entry?

d. Source?

e. Is it a normal microbiota component in the human body?

f. Does it only occur in certain populations or certain geographical areas? Is there a vector involved?

g. What and who is the vector?

h. Is it zoonotic?

i. Does it appear seasonally?

j. Are there currently any outbreaks of this pathogen?

k. What is its ecological niche?

l. Is there a reservoir?

m. Are there currently any outbreaks or epidemics of disease from this pathogen?

4. Pathogenesis

a. What is the range of diseases caused by the agent?

b. What organs are affected?

c. What symptoms might the patient have?

d. What is the disease course?

e. Will the patient recover?

f. Are there any long-term sequelae of infection?

g. Latency?

5. Prophylaxis/Treatment

a. Is there an antitoxin?

b. Specific antibiotics or a class of antibiotics that are used?

c. Is there a vaccine available?

d. Is treatment curative?

e. Does infection make you immune?

f. Is this immunity life-long?

g. Is there drug resistance?

h. Are there novel treatments?

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Biology: How is it distinguished from other members of the species
Reference No:- TGS02450345

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