
How is god characterized in the new testament books we have

Midterm Exam - Three questions. Each will need to be one page in length.

For the midterm, you will write three short essays from the options below.

For each question you need to be very specific, using the terminology appropriate to each question.

1. How is God characterized in the New Testament books we have read thus far? Where in the text do we see the traits of God outlined or defined?

2. Making specific textual references, explain how the Gospel narratives demonstrate the way Jesus Christ upends the power structures of his time.

3. Many theologians and scholars look at the role of place and/or geography in the New Testament narratives. Identify two of the places or locations we have seen thus far, and discuss their importance in the text.

When you are writing your responses, here are few things to keep in mind:

  • Be as specific as possible. Essay exams are designed to test more than reading comprehension. You need to demonstrate an understanding of the subject, as well as an ability to critically analyze various terms and ideas.
  • Include direct references in your answer. Each of these questions calls on you to include specific references from the texts we have read. It is very important that your answers are clear, specific, and direct.

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Dissertation: How is god characterized in the new testament books we have
Reference No:- TGS02693333

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