
How is early group of christians still very much jewish

Discuss the below:

Discussion 1:

• How is this early group of Christians still very much Jewish? In what ways are they different from traditional Jews? In what ways are they the same? Make sure to be specific and use examples from the lessons. How did these Christians view Jesus and how did it relate to their Jewish background? What kinds of things did Jesus teach that were different than traditional Judaism? What things did Jesus say that made him suspect among both Jews and Romans? Important Note: This question is asking about these very early Christians, in the beginnings, NOT modern Christianity. An answer about modern differences between Christians and Jews will not earn you points. This must reflect the online lesson material.

• Discuss several things you learned about Jesus' life, teachings and characteristics (including physical) in this lesson that may have surprised you or were different than what you previously thought.

Discussion 2:

• How do Paul and Constantine become co-founders in Christianity? Discuss each specifically and with detail to their life and teachings. (For example, what changed Constantine's view? What are Paul's teachings on marriage/celibacy?) Do you think Christianity would be different if they hadn't existed? Why or why not?

Discussion 3:

Choose ONE from the following options:

1. How does Greco-Roman (pagan) society affect and influence Catholic doctrine, ritual, art and architecture? Give specific examples of pagan influence. (Make sure to read the section on this in your textbook before answering).


2. Describe in detail the rise and development of Catholicism. Make sure to be specific, using examples and historic events from your online lessons and book. Make sure to include the development/emphasis on Mary, the saints, monastics, etc.


3. Go beyond learning out of a book and choose one or more from any of the following three Travelogue Experiences (Paris; Eastern Europe; Italy) to learn more about Catholicism in Europe. Read the journal(s) and view the Photo Album(s), and then comment about what you read and how it relates to the course material. You can view these through the Activities page.

1. Parisian Good Friday and Easter Service Journal and the Paris Photo Album.

2. Eastern European Photo Album (Vienna, Czech Republic and Poland) and Czech Republic Journal and Vienna/Poland Journal

3. Italy Journals (Rome, Florence and Venice) and Italy Photo Album.

Discussion 4:

Choose ONE of the following options:

• Discuss the influence of the mystics and scholars during this time period. How do they fit within the Catholic social/dogmatic structure and how are they rebels? Give several specific examples of these from your online lessons and text.


• Describe in detail several of the historic events that led up to the Protestant Reformation (before Luther was involved). What was the atmosphere of the world during this time? What kind of things were happening that would lay the groundwork for Luther's rebellion? Make sure to utilize your lessons.


• Utilizing the textbook and your own independent research, choose one modern Protestant denomination and describe in detail. What are its unique characteristics, beliefs, rituals and history that make it different from other denominations? (Examples could include, but are not limited to: Latter Day Saints (Mormons), Baptists, Lutherans, Nazarene, Church of Christ, Pentecostals, Methodists, Presbyterians, Jehovah's Witnesses, Appalachian Holiness Pentecostal (Snake-Handlers), Amish, Bretheren, United Church of Christ, AME, etc.) IMPORTANT

Discussion 5:

Choose ONE of the following questions for your post.

• Explain who Muhammad is, his role in Islam, his teachings and how you viewed him before/after taking this class.


• Discuss why it is dangerous and inaccurate to stereotype all Muslims as terrorists. Give some detail on statistics and interesting facts you learned.


• Discuss what you found interesting or puzzling about Islam (including the Qur'an and Islamic history) compared to what you had assumed before taking this class.

Discussion 6:

Choose ONE of the following options:

1. Discuss in detail what you found interesting or puzzling about at least four Muslim beliefs from your lessons and text compared to what you had assumed before taking this class.

2. Read this Taj Mahal Journal and flip through the Taj Mahal Photo Album to learn about Islam firsthand in one of India's most sacred sites and give your detailed reflections.

3. After watching the 60 minute "Inside Mecca" video, describe your reflections, people and the events of the film.

4. Discuss the beliefs and practices and history of Nation of Islam. What makes this branch of Islam similar to and different from traditional Islam? Make sure to include your thoughts on Malcolm X's hajj clip you viewed.

Discussion 7:

Before posting to this Discussion Forum you will need to have read Chapters 10 in your textbook, the Online Lessons and watched any videos in these lessons.

Choose ONE of the following options:

• Discuss your views of Muslim women before and after reading this module. Explain at least a few issues, historical aspects and beliefs about or by Muslim women in the lessons that were surprising to you to learn about.


• After reading the The Hijab lesson and viewing the Web site My Body is My Own Business and the youtube video Why Hijab, discuss the hijab (veil) and why some Muslim women choose to wear it.


• Discuss what you learned about Sufism in this module (make sure to include your viewing of the videos). Compare and contrast their beliefs and practice to traditional Muslims.

Discussion 8:

Choose any TWO New Religious Movements described in your textbook and/or online lessons and describe them in detail and in your own words. (I will be looking for information you found in the text and lessons, so do not just look them up on the internet.) Especially if you choose any of the following: Baha'i, Scientology or Paganism/Wicca, include your reflections on the videos or journals included in the lessons. Finally, make sure to include your understanding of the term "New Religious Movement" after reading this sectin

Discussion 9:

Choose any TWO of the following modern influences as described in your textbook (Chapter 12) and describe them in detail and in your own words.

• Global change

• Multiculturalism

• Interfaith Dialogue

• Environmentalism

• Women's Rights

• Sexuality and Orientation

• Science and Technology

• Ethical issues

• Liberalism and Fundamentalism

• Secularism - Violence and scriptures

• Ecclectic spirituality

• Film and Pop culture

• Interrelatedness

• Contemplative Practice

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