
How is culture formed and transmitted what can a leader do

Question: Before you begin, be sure that you have read the following chapter and reviewed its accompanying materials:

Cultivating Organizational Culture

Pay particular attention to the following sections in your textbook:

.Pages 479-488
.Pages 481-486
.Pages 488-489: Change Competency-Harley-Davidson's Culture

In addition, be sure that you have read the following article:

Fawcett, S. E., Brau, J. C., Rhoads, G. K., Whitlark, D., & Fawcett, A. M. (2008). Spirituality and organizational culture: Cultivating the ABCs of an inspiring workplace. International Journal Of Public Administration 31(4), 420-438. doi: 10.1080/01900690701590819.

Begin this activity by thinking about your experiences as an organizational member (that is, a student, volunteer, or employee) and the culture of your own organization. Consider the stories, rituals, symbols, and language of your organization. Examine why you believe you were or were not effective or happy in that environment.

Then, respond to the following:

How is culture formed and transmitted?

What can a leader do to develop and nurture a culture?

How does culture influence behavior?

How did you learn about the culture of your own organization? Share examples of how your organization creates and maintains its culture.
APA Style, Sited and referenced.

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Management Theories: How is culture formed and transmitted what can a leader do
Reference No:- TGS02822651

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