
How is compliance with each standard to be evaluated which

Assignment: Comparing Accreditation Standards

After reviewing the assignment for this week, I decided to simplify the instructions and requirements. I hope this helps better clarify the assignment for everyone. I did bring the confusing instructions to the attention of the course development team, so hopefully they resolve the issue for future classes.

I also simplified the requirements for Part I. Instead of the original requirements, you should compare and contrast the accrediting standards for the following health care systems: acute care hospitals, ambulatory facilities, long-term care facilities and mental health hospitals. You will choose only one accrediting agency to base your standards on (i.e. The Joint Commission, State/Federal guidelines, CMS, etc.) You can use the follow table to help you with the assignment:


Acute Care Hospitals

Ambulatory facilities

Long-term care facilities

Mental health hospitals

Which clinical staffs are allowed to make entries in the medical record in each type of facility? (e.g. physician, nurse, physician assistant)





Which accreditation standards address the use of electronic signatures?





Explain how the standards differ in terms of type of the entries that should be authenticated (i.e. consultations, procedure notes, progress notes).





How is compliance with each standard to be evaluated (e.g. medical record audit, summary reports)?





As you can see I eliminated the first question from the #1-5 in the original instructions. Once you complete the table, you should answer the following question: If only one standard could be applied to all health care delivery systems what do you recommend it should be, and support the reason for your selection.

The instructions for Part II will remain the same as they currently are laid out. You can disregard the revised rubric I posted to the Announcements earlier today.

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Dissertation: How is compliance with each standard to be evaluated which
Reference No:- TGS02760514

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