1) How have the gender roles and stereotypes of our culture created opportunities and con?icts for you? Explain.
2) What is your role in your family? Are you a ?rstborn or only child? Were your parents older or younger when you were born? How does your own development and personality compare to the stereotypes discussed in this section?
3) If a child is reared without gender-typed toys in the household or if the child's parents avoid giving the child gender-typed messages about what kinds of behaviors are appropriate, how might that child's views of gender differ from those of his or her classmates?
4) Are classmates likely to respond flexibly to his or her views of gender?
5) What are the four categories of play, from least to most social?
6) At ages 4-5, what types of play appear and what skills are needed to participate?
7) Does suggestibility to developing false memories increase or decrease with age?
8) Are there individual variations in the tendency to develop false memories? Why might this be?
9) What are some different strategies that children use to retain information?
10) What is the concrete-operational stage of cognitive development?
11) How is this child demonstrating reliance on concrete operations?
12) What types of behaviors do these boys indicate are signs of someone's intelligence?
13) Using their definitions, what do you think they would use as a sign that someone lacked intelligence?
14) What are the psychological implications for these two youths, based on their ideas about intelligence? Is believing in one explanation "better" than believing in the other for their development?
15) What elements of intelligence did these two children NOT express?