
How is ai artificial intelligence a game-changer in the


A. Context Analysis

Q1: How is AI (Artificial Intelligence) a game-changer in the industry you're analyzing? What new competitive dynamics/models emerge b/c of the introduction of AI?

Q2: Benchmark 3-4 key competitors (either existing or companies that just stepped into the industry) that have embarked on 'the new ways (AI related) of doing business' - what is the value they bring/attempt to bring to market - what do they offer; how do they go to market; what competitive challenge or threat do they pose to others in the industry (or to the company you analyze) if any?

Q3: How do various stakeholders change their expectations and behaviors consequently b/c of new offerings?

B. Company Analysis

Q1: How is the company you are analyzing affected by the AI revolution? Think through specific changes the company should consider (from consumer behavior to competitive challenges and others).

Q2: Is the company you analyze adjusting to the changes you've identified thus far? If so - list and examine specific steps / actions taken to adjust / enhance the offering, manage relationships with various stakeholders differently, adapt new technology-platform etc.

Q3: Identify possible gaps between the changes in context and the company's reaction to these changes (if any).

C. Diagnosis

Q1. Why do these gaps exist - brainstorm possible reasons that allowed for the gaps noted to emerge / be tolerated. (The 5 whys methodology might be very helpful here: This method is to ask why an event/issue happened/why it exist, and place the resulting answer in the cause chain. Each question should be simple, short, focused and starting with "Why...?" After each cause has been identified, the next question to ask is "Why did this event happen?" Example of 5 Whys (generally speaking 5 whys will get you there but sometimes you may need less or more steps - as in the example below):

Problem Statement: Gage was found in use on shop floor beyond its calibration date.

  • Why was a gage in use beyond its calibration date? Because the gage was not recalled and the operator did not check the calibration label...
  • Why was the gage not recalled? Because the gage was not on the recall list...
  • Why was the gage not on the recall list? Because the gage was just recently purchased...
  • Why are new gages not added to recall list? Because there is no procedure or specific training on purchasing gages...
  • Why did the operator not check the label?

Because the operator was recently hired and had not been trained to check calibration labels...

  • Why wasn't the operator trained to check labels?

Because on-the job training does not specify and it was overlooked...

  • Why doesn't OJT address calibration labels? Not considered a priority by supervisors...

Q2: Briefly brainstorm and list possible change solutions to the issues identified. These ideas should later be reexamined and elaborated on so that they serve as the foundation for the change plan you'll propose.


A. Competency Analysis

Q1: Complete a SWOT - what are the company strengths that can be leveraged to pursue AI opportunities identified? What challenges need to be addressed?

Q2: Calibrate the direction for change proposed in your 'WB 1 - Future View' discussion, based on your competency analysis - what seem to be a feasible AI-related change trajectory for the company?

B. Feasibility Analysis

Q1: To determine the likelihood of success implementing the ideas developed in Section A above, you'll need to conduct a Force Field Analysis. This method lists, discusses, and evaluates the various forces for and against a proposed change. When a change is planned, Force Field Analysis helps you look at the big picture by analyzing all of the forces impacting the change and weighing the pros and cons.


Driving Forces: forces affecting a situation that are pushing in a particular direction; they tend to initiate a change and keep it going. In terms of improving productivity in a work group, pressure from a supervisor, incentive earnings, and competition may be examples of driving forces.

Restraining Forces: forces acting to restrain or decrease the driving forces. Apathy, hostility, and poor maintenance of equipment may be examples of restraining forces against increased production. Equilibrium: reached when the sum of the driving forces equals the sum of the restraining forces. In our example, equilibrium represents the present level of productivity. By knowing the pros and cons, you can develop strategies to reduce the impact of the opposing forces and strengthen the supporting forces.

Types of forces to consider

Available Resources; Traditions; Vested interests; Organizational structures; Relationships; Social or organizational trends; Attitudes of people; Regulations; Personal or group needs; Present or past practices; Institutional policies or norms; Values; Desires; Costs; People capacity; Events / opportunities to initiate or redirect the course of things.

The Process

Start with a well-defined goal or change to be implemented.

Draw a force field diagram (see ex below). At the top of a large sheet of paper write the goal or change to be implemented. Divide the paper into two columns "Driving Forces" / "Restraining Forces"

Brainstorm a list of driving and restraining forces and record them on the chart in the appropriate column.

Source: https://www.accel-team.com/techniques/force_field_analysis.html

C. Change Plan

Q1: Develop a step-by-step change plan (2-3 year horizon) to pursue the justified direction outlined in Section A above, taking into account the force-field assessment conducted (section B above). Do you have good enough solutions to handle the restraining forces identified and leverage supportive ones?

It is also advisable to follow the Kotter 8-steps methodology detailing in great granularity solutions for each stage/step (i.e. - how would you generate a sense of urgency, who would be included in the guiding coalition, what is your vision proposal, what is the communication plan you'd offer, what are the quick wins you'd implement, what is the measurement system you suggest to employ to make your proposed changes stick, etc).

And lastly - provide a detailed 2-3 years timeline for your change program w/specific initiatives.

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Management Theories: How is ai artificial intelligence a game-changer in the
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