Question 1: Explain the significance of legal precedent.
Question 2: Describe the elements of negligence.
Question 3: How does an intentional tort differ from negligence?
Question 4: Describe what is meant by the "battle of the forms"?
Question 5: What are the elements of promissory estoppel?
Question 6: What is a statute of limitation?
Question 7: What are the requirements for a valid non-competition agreement?
Question 8: To what kinds of contracts does the UCC apply?
Question 9: What are some of the remedies available for a breach of contract?
Question 10: Describe three types of intellectual property, and give an example of the types of property each would protect.
Question 11: What elements must be proven to show that a contract has been formed?
Question 12: What is the difference between a material and a non-material breach of contract? Give an example of each kind of breach
Question 13: Compare and contrast two business entity types (ie: corporation vs. partnership).
Question 14: Describe three forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution