
How influencers have transformed modern marketing

Question 1: Many companies use social media as a means to communicate with consumers. Additionally, companies are increasingly discovering the power of social media "influencers" to promote their brands and products.

Please watch the TED Talk from Rachel David, CEO of Hashtag Communications, and an influencer marketing company.

TED: How Influencers Have Transformed Modern Marketing

After reviewing the video, discuss your thoughts on the content. What surprised you? Do you think David is correct in her assertions? What does she mean when she calls social media marketing the "Wild West"?

Question 2: For Week 5, we cover health, healthcare, & aging. Whatever you choose, think sociologically. How do structures or interactions relate to the problem?

Question 3:

What were the differences between the southern civil rights movement and the Black Power movement, and why did these differences exist?  Be sure to integrate what you learned from the assigned required readings.  Next, illustrate a modern Black rights movement by including three of any of the following: images; video of approximately 5 minutes' length or less from the web; or your own experience or location that illustrates the relevance of Black rights movements today.  (Note - images can be added by any of the following methods: attaching files, inserting website URLs, or attaching or inserting movies.

Question 4:

Think about your current or future position (Home health care aide). Explain how you could use portfolios to assess your students. Analyze and explain why using portfolios would be the best assessment method for your situation. Need Assignment Help?

Question 5:

Research and discuss a disease or disorder (in detail) affecting one or both of the systems (urinary & nervous systems) we are examining this week. Be sure to begin with the name of disease or disorder - break it down into its component parts. Continue with the symptoms. Finally, how is the disease or disorder treated and what is its prognosis? Check before posting to ensure that you are not discussing a disease or disorder that someone has already chosen.

Question 6:

(1) As a police officer, describe how important it is to support community problem-solving and broken windows policing by applying problem-solving techniques.

(2) Explain and discuss leadership in problem-oriented policing.

Question 7: Discuss the dichotomy between arson as a property crime and arson as a crime against a person(s) and how that dichotomy presents challenges in forensic evidence collection, criminal profiling, and criminal prosecution. In doing so, research the APUS online Library for peer-reviewed articles to cite in your post to support your assertions.

Question 8: Review the following information on ethics:

  • Review post: Cashing In For Profit? Posted at cbsnews
  • The Airforce GAO Paper is also attached to the forum if you have trouble.)
  • Access this link for the NCMA code of ethics
  • Here is a link to the PMI code of ethics (PMI certifies program managers)
  • Here is a link to Government Fraud, Waste, Mismanagement, Misconduct regarding SBA Programs

After reviewing, discuss what you learned about ethics and how it impacts contracts and contract management. 

Also, consider any other recent news that you have heard about in this area as this continues to be a hot current topic with possible abuses such as government officials using private jets or using government planes rather than using commercial airlines.

Question 9: Consider the Executive Summary as the Abstract for your portfolio. It may be the focal point during your employment review. Discuss how to prepare the Executive Summary. What are the important items to include in your summary? Are there any items you should not include in the summary?

Question 10:

In navigating the intricate landscape of intelligence operations, our focus this week turns to the disposition of Human Intelligence (HUMINT), where we aim to dissect its multifaceted dispositions and operational applications.  Delving into historical contexts and strategic perspectives, our discussions revolve around the effectiveness and utilization of HUMINT in various scenarios.  We explore the intricacies of HUMINT techniques during key operations, examining the methodologies that have proven invaluable in gathering critical intelligence.  Further, we venture into the domain of offensive HUMINT missions, dissecting their historical impact and evaluating their effectiveness in achieving strategic objectives.  Additionally, we scrutinize the role of HUMINT in peacetime settings, investigating its use during non-conflict periods and assessing its effectiveness in contributing to strategic preparedness and diplomatic intelligence.  This exploration will help us unravel the multifaceted applications and historical effectiveness of HUMINT across diverse operational domains.

What were the key techniques or methodologies employed that led to the effective collection of Human Intelligence (HUMINT) during significant operations or missions? Analyze specific historical instances where HUMINT played a pivotal role, identifying and detailing the techniques, approaches, or strategies used for successful intelligence gathering.

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Reference No:- TGS03447948

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