How industrialization after civil war influence u.s. society

Industrialization After the Civil War:

Project description:

Part 1:

1. Write a thesis statement that is 1-2 sentences long in which you:

State you opinion on how industrialization after the Civil War influenced U.S. society, economy, and politics. Justify your response.

Part 2:

2. Write a 1-2 page outline in which you:

Determine 3 major aspects of industrialization during 1865 and 1920 that influenced U.S. society, economy, and politics. (Consider issues such as geography, entrepreneurship, legislative representation, etc.)

List 5 specific groups that were affected by industrialization. Provide 2 examples for each group describing how the group was affected. (Consider issues such as race, ethnicity, gender, child labor, etc.)

List five 5 ways that industrialization affected the life of the average working American during this period.

Use at least 3 quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

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Reference No:- TGS01613762

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