Question 1: If we consider a century of colonial history, say 1660 to 1760, individuals living in the colonies demonstrated their level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with their lives in the New World through:
- six black rebellions between New York and South Carolina.
- some 18 uprisings aimed at overthrowing colonial governments.
- uprisings, rebellions, and riots all occurred in this period, making life in the colonies very unstable.
- a period of relative calm because colonists enjoyed a good deal of freedom due to England's preoccupation and constant wars with France.
- approximately 40 riots of various origins.
Question 2: Once the English defeated the French once and for all (in the Seven Years' War in 1763) through the Wars for Empire, and thereby expelled France from North America, the British responded by:
- providing the colonists with increasing independence as they had handled it so well to date.
- immediately turning on Indian tribes in order to eradicate them from the colonies as well.
- tightening control over the colonies for much needed revenues in order to reimburse themselves for the many wars with France.
- writing new treaties and policies with the French in order to encourage much needed trade.