How individuals can and should make change in society

Problem: Mini- Research Project

You have just read most of the "Prologue" to Tommy Orange's novel, There There, which painfully recounted the harms endured by Native Americans as the United States Government sought to assimilate, integrate, and at times eliminate Native American people and traditions. Come up with a research question related to our essential question, "What role does individualism play in American society?", to research for your own mini-research project.

The mini-research project will include:

A research question that addresses or extends one of the following the ideas that occurs in the mentor texts you will have read:
the relationship between the individual and America

How individuals can and/or should make change in society?

The relationship between marginalized groups and majority groups in America.

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English: How individuals can and should make change in society
Reference No:- TGS03356408

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