
How important is wealth to access the legal system identify

• Discussion - Same-Sex Marriage

Discussion board assignment

Please read this article which can be accessed online at:


Questions to ponder before posting:

• Should the Supreme Court make a ruling on same sex marriage or is this the prerogative of the state governments?

• Is same-sex marriage an equal rights issue? Should the national government let states handle its legality or should the national government be in charge of it?

• Why should there be a ban on same sex-marriage?

• Why should we legalize same-sex marriage?

• Is same-sex marriage really a constitutional issue? Why or why not?

• Should this issue be politicized, why or why not?

All postings must be submitted by Friday of Week 7

Discussions should be civil and cordial.

Taking a solid position for or against same sex marriage is highly encouraged.

• Assignment

Answer each question below carefully. The objective of this assignment is to assess whether or not you understood the major themes and concepts for the chapter on "The Supreme Court". Use your own words in responding to these short essay questions. (10 points total)

1. Discuss the problems inherent in interpreting statutes and the Constitution. How do the courts try to resolve these problems?

2. How did the Supreme Court use judicial review to change American society?

3. What was John Marshall's impact on the history of the Supreme Court, and federalism?

4. How important is wealth to access the legal system?

5. Identify the major checks on judicial power. Are they effective or ineffective in limiting judicial action?

6. Should there be term limits for Supreme Court justices?

7. How does the Americans with Disabilities Act demonstrate the law-making ability of the court system?

8. How are judges, especially Supreme Court justices, selected? How political is the process? What can be done, if anything, to fix the process?

9. In what ways was Bush v. Gore a political decision?

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Dissertation: How important is wealth to access the legal system identify
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