Discussion 1: Social Work Theories
Who is in need, what is the problem, and when did it occur? Where does the problem exist, why does it exist, and how can I help? As a social worker, these questions are at the heart of what you do every day. The actions you take in order to answer these questions are based on the question "why." Why does this problem exist? Why might this intervention work best?
Theory is the reasoning that supports the answers to the question "why?" In social work education and practice, theory is the foundation of the profession, it can ensure accountability, it can help avoid discrimination, and it can make sense of complexity and uncertainty.
The concept of theory involves theory types, in which social workers attempt to answer the question "why" for a given situation or presenting concern. Those theory types include micro, meso (also referred to as mezzo within the industry), macro, and scientific theory, as well as paradigm, model, perspective, and ideology. How might your understanding of these terms inform the work you do as a social worker?
For this Discussion, review the theory types from this week's resources (micro, meso, macro, and scientific theory, perspective, paradigm, model, and ideology). Then select the theory type that appeals to you most. Consider a case you might encounter in social work practice for which that theory type might apply. Finally, think about why it might be the best one for that case.
· Post a brief description of the theory type that appeals to you most.
· Then describe a case you might encounter in social work practice for which that theory type might apply.
· Finally, explain why that theory type is the best one for the case you described.
References (use 2 or more)
Robbins, S. P., Chatterjee, P., & Canda, E. R. (2012). Contemporary human behavior theory: A critical perspective for social work (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Allyn & Bacon.
Okpych, N. J., & Yu, J. L. (2014). A historical analysis of evidence-based practice in social work: The unfinished journey toward an empirically grounded profession. Social Service Review, 88(1), 3-58.
Salas, L. M., Sen, S., & Segal, E. A. (2010). Critical theory: Pathway from dichotomous to integrated social work practice. Families In Society, 91(1), 91-96.
Fisher, E. A. (2009). Motivation and leadership in social work management: A review of theories and related studies. Administration In Social Work, 33(4), 347-367.
Discussion 2: Overview of Psycopharmacological Interventions
How important is psychopharmacology in mental health services? How important is psychopharmacology to clients? When might there be a need for it? How do mental health professionals generally perceive the need for psychopharmacological intervention?
What is your personal perception about the need for psychopharmacological intervention in mental health services?
Mental health professionals grapple with these questions on a daily basis. As a future mental health professional, consider how you will begin to answer these questions and how your personal perception might influence how you serve client needs.
For this Discussion, review the media program "The Role of the Mental Health Professional in Psychopharmacological Intervention" and consider all scholarly perspectives concerning if or when there is a need for psychopharmacological intervention in mental health services. Then, explore a field in your profession where psychopharmacological interventions might be warranted.
· Post and describe one example of where psychopharmacological interventions are warranted in mental health practices.
· Explain the mental health professional's role in the example that you provided.
References (use 2 or more)
Preston, J. D., O'Neal, J. H., & Talaga, M. C. (2017). Handbook of clinical psychopharmacology for therapists (8th ed.). Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2012h). The role of the mental health professional in psychopharmacological intervention [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Discussion 3: Ethical Dilemas for Mental Health Professionals
Mental health professionals are charged with the task of assisting their clients' efforts in obtaining the best care available to them. Often, this might mean making recommendations and referrals, teaming with other medical and mental health professionals, and developing and expanding competencies to meet the needs of their clients.
Although there are strict limits to some mental health professional roles in reference to medication management, mental health professionals can serve a vital role in the process.
For this Discussion, review the media titled "The Role of the Mental Health Professional in Psychopharmacological Intervention" and the Learning Resources.
Explore the limits of practice in psychopharmacological intervention. Search your professional practice code of ethics and consider how ethical dilemmas that arise in the course of treatment might be mitigated. Check actual final video
· Post an explanation of how mental health professionals might prepare themselves to best work with medical professionals in the example you provided in this week's Discussion 1 (include the need for using a signed release of information).
· Next, identify a potential ethical dilemma for mental health professionals related to your example and explain why this could be a dilemma.
· Then, provide the most effective strategy mental health professionals can use to mitigate the dilemma and justify your selection.
· Finally, as a future mental health professional, explain some of the concepts in the field of psychopharmacology in which you would like to explore the role further to gain more knowledge.
References (use 2 or more)
Preston, J. D., O'Neal, J. H., & Talaga, M. C. (2017). Handbook of clinical psychopharmacology for therapists (8th ed.). Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2012h). The role of the mental health professional in psychopharmacological intervention [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
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