
How important is first line supervisory training

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Peer -1

Training is needed in all levels of work. Employees need to know the policies and know the values and standards of their employees. First-line supervisory training is essential to ensuring trainees have all the resources and knowledge they need to effectively supervise their subordinates. They need to know the policies and values extremely well. This rulification (Stojkovic, 2015) must be reviewed and studied so supervisors can enforce the rule and to also keep themselves away from trouble like lawsuits. Areas of skill that need to be addressed the most in supervisor training are A) Technical (Pederson, Dresdow, Benson, 2013) which is specialized knowledge. This can include steps or guidelines on how to be effective in supervising and problem-solving. B) Human (Pederson, Dresdow, Benson, 2013), which is understanding and motivating others. Trainees can learn the commons issues people have within the field and learning how to handle them, like attendance. Lastly, C) conceptual (Pederson, Dresdow, Benson, 2013), which is dealing with complex problems. Supervisors may have handle problems outside their subordinates and el with issues with the public and/or media. It is important they have training on it.

I believe that Sergeant Rick handled the situation correctly, however, he needed to know the policies better and understood the role of the union. Most often people who have available benefits like sick leave can use them. All the policies are there to keep employees from abusing their sick time and Sergeant Rick was proficient in the policy. However, the officer did abuse his benefit but hasn't done it in about a year. The issue is that Sergeant Rick knew what officer did when he called in sick, due to the officer being his friend, and decided to create a case against him. It looks bad on Sergeant Rick's end because now it looks like he is too harsh and sends a message that whenever someone calls in sick they will be investigated. This will make the union more involved and make the Sergeant look like he is incapable of doing the job. It also will ruin the reputation of the department and create a high turnover rate. If Sergeant Rick been trained on how to handle a situation like attendance and on the union, he could have handled the situation where he didn't have to create a case of an offense an officer hasn't done in almost a year.

In this situation I would have kept a log on the times an officer called in sick especially if the officer has a history of abusing the benefit. Once I have a well-kept log of the times an officer call in sick, especially if I know the officer personally, then I would create a case. Until then, I would confront the officer and ask if everything is ok and keep a log of what was said. If things start to not match up with what was said then there would an infraction of the policy and it will have to be an investigation to take place.


Pederson, L. S, Dresdow, S., Benson, J. (2013) Significant tasks in training of job-shop supervisors. Journal of Workplace Learning. 25(1). 23-36

Stojkovic, S., Kalinich, D. B., & Klofas, J. (2012). Criminal Justice Organizations: Administration and Management. Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.


How important is First Line Supervisory Training?

In Criminal Justice Organizations, those that resemble paramilitary bureaucracies, I believe that First Line Supervisors are the backbone of the entire organization. First line supervisors are directed to "interpret, explain and enforce the policies and decisions by top leaders" and on the other side, they are to "act as a voice for line staff within the decision-making processes" (Schafer & Martinelli, 2008). Upon new assignment, employees are usually directed to meet with their supervisors to discuss any and all expectations while they are under the tutelage of their new first line leadership/supervisor. Due to the amount of interaction first line supervisors have with non-ranked employees, it has been determined that they have the most influence over the performance and goals reached by their employees. Due to the amount of interaction they have with line-staff, it is of utmost importance that they portray positive attitudes reflecting upper management and the policies implemented as the employees are more likely to adopt and replicate the supervisors attitude and demeanor in their work output and performance (Drennan & Richey, 2012).

Not only is it important to promote individuals who already hold some form of leadership amongst staff due to experience and knowledge, but it is equally as important to send that individual to First Line Supervisory training to enhance what they already have. As stated above, First Line Supervisors play a critical role in the success of an organization following bureaucratic principles and they are key to ensuring motivation is present in the workplace. Sgt. Rick, with what was given to us, was not sent to Supervisory Training to enhance his ability to supervise, therefore he ran into conflict resolution problems when it came to Officer Johnson thus resulting in Lieutenant Murray's intervention.

Do you agree with the manner in which Sergeant Rick handled this situation?

Yes, Absolutely. Sergeant Rick, as a newly promoted sergeant, followed the policy and procedures for the current situation as it was written. He did not allow his prior relationship to affect his decision making and make a decision that was outside of policy because he felt bad for his line-staff. First Line Supervisors must know when and when not to allow former friendships, and other relationships, affect how they operate on a day in and day out basis.

However, Stojokovic, Kalinich & Klofas (2012), explain the idea of the innovative supervisor. Sergeant Rick could have looked at the bigger issue, and worried less about the outcomes. His ability to work with his line staff when it involves relatable issues, especially when it is family related (specifically child/spouse related), would have allowed him to build huge rapport with other employees. Effective leadership within the first line supervisor role occurs when they "Exhibit technical skills, human skills and conceptual skills" (Stojokovic, Kalinich & Klofas, 2012).

How would you have handled this situation?

If I were Sergeant Rick, I believe I would have, more than likely done the same thing. I also believe I would have asked my Lieutenant for his opinion on what was about to happen prior to going through with the recommendation for disciplinary action. I believe had I gone through the entire scenario as Sergeant Rick did, I would have given Officer Johnson a verbal warning, especially knowing the circumstances.


Schafer, J.A., & Martinelli, T. J. (2008). First-Line Supervisor's Perceptions of Police Integrity: The Measurement Of Police Integrity Revisited, Policing: An International Journal, Vol. 31 Issue: 2, pp.306-323

Drennan, F. S., & Richey, D. (2012). Skills-based leadership the first-line supervisor part II. Professional Safety, 57(3), 50-54

Stojkovic, S., Kalinich, D. B., & Klofas, J. (2012). Criminal Justice Organizations: Administration and Management. Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

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