
How important do you think what happened on p511 is to

Raisin in the Sun - Discussing p.508-524 (write a paragraph for each answer)

1. How important do you think what happened on p.511 is to where the Younger family is headed? (Refer directly to page # and lines spoken in this section of the play)

2. What does Asagai's presence (p.512-) in the play help us learn about Beneatha? (Refer directly to page # and lines spoken in this section of the play)

3. Was Walter's reaction (p.520-) to what had taken place to be expected? Why or why not? (Refer directly to page # and lines spoken in this section of the play)

4. Do you think there is some significance to the name of the family (Younger)? If yes, why?

Raisin in the Sun - Discussing p.524-547 (write a paragraph for each answer)

1. Do you think there is any significance to Beneatha's name? And is the significance still relevant today p.524? (Refer directly to page # and lines spoken in this section of the play)

2. What do you think Walter's main point of irritation is with George p.531? How does classism play a part in it? (Refer directly to page # and lines spoken in this section of the play)

3. What do you feel about Mama's decision on what to do with the money p.535? Is it sensible? Should Ruth be equally invested in Mama's decision or upholding Walter's dream for the money? (Refer directly to page # and lines spoken in this section of the play)

Raisin in the Sun - Discussing p.547-562 (write a paragraph for each answer)

1. Would you still consider moving the family into the all-white neighborhood, even after Lindner's offer (p.554)? (Refer directly to page # and lines spoken in this section of the play)

2. Mama seems to gravitate toward plants of all types and gardening as seen on p.557. What do you think that symbolizes? (Refer directly to page # and lines spoken in this section of the play)

3. You know I have to ask, especially with what went down at p.562, do you think Mama had any other way to get Walter Jr's confidence back besides give him the money to manage? (Refer directly to page # and lines spoken in this section of the play)

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