
How imagine that you are a citizen of a less-developed

Population Controlenvi
The material for this discussion is one page 172 in your textbook. You have to answer the following questions:

Do you think it is appropriate for developed countries to persuade less-developed countries to limit their population growth? What would be appropriate and inappropriate interventions, according to your ethics? How imagine that you are a citizen of a less-developed country. What might be your reply to those who live in more developed countries? Why?

Discuss your views on population control. Population control is the most religious, cultural, and ultimately economic issue. The prime minister of India, Indira Gandhi, was assassinated because she tried to implement population control in her country. At the same time strict population control combined with increased taxes lead to an economic boom and is turning China into the most economically powerful country in the world. Yes, it is a controversial topic, try to explain, motivate and defend your position.

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Science: How imagine that you are a citizen of a less-developed
Reference No:- TGS02474414

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