
How imagery is used in emergency management


Introduction :

The Goal of this exercise is to familiarize you with the process and options of using Satellite Imagery in Disaster Response.

Specifically the objectives are:

- Explore the various vendors that are available to purchase imagery

- Explore the "value added " services that these vendors provide

- Explore Imagery sources that are publicly and commercially available.

- Explore how Imagery is used in Emergency Management

Each student is required to turn in their own work, but group collaboration is encouraged. A discussion thread has been started for this purpose.

This assignment is meant to mimic a real challenge that an Emergency Manager will face. Thus it needs to be completed quickly, with imperfect information.

Response should be a word document no longer than 3 pages, and should follow the exact structure listed in the Task section.

Background :

We are using the Oklahoma City Bombing of 1995 as our Case study/data set. This was selected because of the plethora of data available that is easily accessible.

What I want to highlight is that the the blast caused significant amount of damage to the surrounding area in addition to the destruction of the Federal building. Thus do not focus on the federal building itself, Focus on the entire area that was impacted.

Also, for the purpose of the exercise, The bombing Occurred on Oct 22th 2015 instead of in the past. This will allow us to simulate the response phase of the disaster.

You are to assume the role of the GIS/ Remote Sensing Coordinator within the Oklahoma City Office of Emergency Management. Your agency has lead jurisdiction on the response and recovery effort. You have the full backing/support of the State of Oklahoma, and the Federal Government.

Your job is to lead the efforts to provide spatial data to the entire response force. Specifically you are tasked with acquiring post-event satellite imagery.


1) Basic Analysis: Using Google Earth (or other) do the following :

A) Download the free software at :https://www.google.com/earth/download/ge/agree.html

B) Provide the coordinates of the 4 corners of a polygon that roughly covers the entire Impact area of the bombing. You can easily find maps that show this. Using landmarks, and google earth features you will be able to piece together the information and correlate it on the map. Explain how you accomplished this.

C) Estimate the area of the Polygon. Explain how you accomplished this.

If you are not familiar with using google earth Visit this page for basic instructions and tutorials: https://support.google.com/earth/topic/4380577?hl=en&ref_topic=4363013

2) Acquire post-event imagery:

i. Select a Vendor

ii. Determine the type of Imagery that will be requested and the satellite system that you will use.

iii. Provide any other relevant info that would help an Emergency Manager.

b. List and discuss a potential Governmental source for imagery.

3) Analysis:

a. Provide a short discussion on how this post-event imagery might be used and by whom? Keep in mind the following stakeholders: First responders, US&R task forces, City of Oklahoma, State , National Guard, Federal Govt , Law enforcement, surrounding property owners and businesses & insurance companies. Provide at least 3 ways it can be used, and what type of Analysis makes it valuable to the various stakeholders.

4) Exercise Feedback:

a. Provide feedback on this exercise: How can it be improved? Did you learn anything? Did it meet the goal and objectives?

Notes :

This exercise is modified from a larger exercise used in a professional Emergency Management Training program. It is the first time being used for this class, and we hope to make it standard for all future classes. As such, the grading will reflect the fact that it is being administered for the first time for the purposes of this class.

As in a real life situation, you have been given a critical task that is not your area of expertise, but nonetheless you are responsible to complete. Reach out to your students to share information and knowledge, but make sure your deliverable is completed individually.

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Other Subject: How imagery is used in emergency management
Reference No:- TGS01949630

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