
How huntington hospital introduced electronic records


A. How Huntington Hospital Introduced Electronic Records

1. How complicated would it be for a lower level administrator to spearhead an effort to find new electronic applications for recordkeeping throughout Huntington and then actually implement the change? Explain.

2. Do you think that employees at the Huntington would tend to resist the efforts of this lower-lever administrator more than a higher-level administrator? Why or why not?

3. What elements of the change process at Huntington described in the case could cause organization members to experience stress? What might a change agent do to help alleviate this stress? Explain.

B. P & G Changes the Game

1. The chapter discusses three classes of factors (people, structure, and technology) in determining what should be changed. With P&G's eStore, how have each of these factors been affected?

2. Because P&G must continue to maintain strong relationships with traditional retailers, what would you recommend P&G do to help retailers adjust to the change the eStore presents?

3. What changes do you envision for online retailing of consumer products in the next five years?


1. How did HomestarRunner.com get started in the Internet cartoon business?

2. Describe how HomestarRunner.com uses technology in their business. How do they incorporate technological updates into their work?

3. How do the Chapman brothers measure job performance?

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Business Management: How huntington hospital introduced electronic records
Reference No:- TGS01784956

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