How human mind is susceptible to illusions-perceptual biases

Assignment task:

The human mind is susceptible to various illusions and perceptual biases, as demonstrated in the Week 3 Lecture. Our senses often combine imperfectly, leading us to misunderstand information or perceive things that are not there. This phenomenon highlights how easily our minds can be tricked into perceiving something as real when it is not. Studies conducted by scientists have explored these illusions to gain insights into how our brain processes information. Researchers have shown that external factors can influence our perceptions through experiments like the McGurk effect, where different facial expressions alter auditory perception. These findings suggest that perceptions of ghosts may stem from similar cognitive biases and illusions rather than actual supernatural occurrences. Personal experiences or testimonies of others cannot be reliable evidence since they are subject to individual interpretation and potential biases. While some people may genuinely believe they have encountered ghosts based on their subjective experiences, these accounts cannot be independently verified or replicated. I do not think that ghosts exist

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