
How huberman lab podcast takes a deep dive

Assignment task:

Class--we all know smoking is terrible for health--not to mention the financial/emotional burden to the patient and families when these diseases manifest.  You've heard smoking is the hardest habit to quit.  WHY IS THAT?

This Huberman Lab podcast takes a deep dive into this very subject. The information here will help guide you to educate your patients on smoking cessation--it takes more than, "Did you know smoking is bad for you?!?  You need to quit!"

This episode also delves into vaping, which some believe is less harmful than smoking...

Your response needs to be at least 100words--what did you learn? Did you change your mind about anything regarding smoking and how it affects the brain and body?  How will you teach your patient as a FNP about smoking cessation? What if your patient says--I like smoking, I'll never quit! How will you respond to this?  Have any of you quit smoking and want to share your experience?  No need to reference.


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Other Subject: How huberman lab podcast takes a deep dive
Reference No:- TGS03420072

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