
How history influence the human rights in china

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The sanctity of human life has been a hot topic of discussion ever since time in memorial. The religion wars and civil wars that occurred centuries ago were all pursuing one course, the rights for human beings to be able to live freely and be respected not because they are of a certain color but because they are humans with equal rights as the others. This study is therefore going to explore how the historical occurrences that happened in the past helped shape or misshape the human rights in China. This study is going to concentrate China and its people.

In the past years, sociology and human rights have not been going hand in hand yet human rights have rapidly focused their innovations on sociological analysis. For this research project, I intend to conceptualize human rights and sociology and the historical developments that have had an effect on the two.
The general objective of the study will be to find out the effects of history on the human rights in the China. The specific study will be to establish the effects of sociological historical occurrences in the past and the how these interpretations affect and or influence the human rights.

There have been numerous research works that have been conducted by sociologists and human rights theorists in the past years. Some of these works were presented decades ago but still provide useful insight on this research project. The researcher will incorporate the secondary information from the works of Karl Max, Bryan Turner and other human rights and historians' works. Moreover, the researcher will utilize primary literature sources for the study.
For the research project, I would like to use Chinese History to prove my point how history influence Chinese human right, because China and United States are really different from history and human right.

The study will be aimed at revealing the effects that history has on the human rights especially on the long history country. I believe human rights come from culture, and different histories make different cultures, that's why the human rights is different in different countries.

Finally, I intend to draw a conclusion from the study and provide recommendations necessary that will be useful at the end of the study in ensuring that the issue of human rights is made more integral and independent of any matter that could arise.
For class presentations, I will use PowerPoint presentations for the reason that it will aid in the explanation of my research projects and the findings. Moreover, PowerPoint presentations will help my language problem, I'm not English speaker, but I can use PowerPoint to explain my point easier.

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Other Subject: How history influence the human rights in china
Reference No:- TGS01777674

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