Economics of Incentives: Do workers always work harder under control? (In five thousand words)
A. Explain the question- Do workers always work harder under control? Provide a reference. It should include an introduction, when it started, the origin, etc.
B. How is the question related to the Economics of Incentives? Fully explain. Please provide the reference.
C. Explain the Literature Review of the Article "Legitimacy of control" by Wendelin Schnedler and Radovan Vadovic
D. How hidden costs of control change when control is considered legitimate. Justify the question - Do workers always work harder under control? Provide a reference.
E. Explain the arguments with other articles? Provide three references.
F. Give the example of game theory and economic models or experiments to justify the question - Do workers always work harder under control? Please provide a reference.
G. Explain hypotheses and Treatments to justify the question - Do workers always work harder under control? Please provide a reference.
H. What management implication can be provided? Provide a reference.
I. What analysis can be drawn from the discussion? Provide a reference.
J. What results or conclusions can be derived overall?
K. Provide the abstract from the whole scenario.