Assignment task:
Discuss and agree: Access to healthcare is crucial in maintaining health and wellness. Some cultures rely on traditional practices and healing methods before resorting to medical attention, which can significantly cause a delay in diagnosis and treatment. In addition, minority groups may not have access to healthcare due to not having insurance coverage. Individuals without a consistent healthcare provider are less likely to receive preventative services or be diagnosed, treated, and manage chronic conditions (Health Policy Institute, 2014). As a nurse, assessing a client's culture is important to understand how to deliver the best patient-centered care possible. Cultural competence in healthcare refers to the capacity of healthcare providers and organizations to comprehend and incorporate cultural factors into the provision and organization of healthcare services (Health Policy Institute, 2014). Another intervention is providing language interpretation services to people who speak another language. This can make them feel respected and listened to when they're most vulnerable, creating a trusting patient-nurse relationship and increasing patient satisfaction. Lastly, organizations can offer education and training to enhance cultural awareness, understanding, and skills (Health Policy Institute, 2014). This can help nurses to better understand and address the cultural needs of a client. To apply these concepts in practice, assess a client's culture, beliefs, values, and access. Want Professional Help?