
How health technology resulted in improved care coordination

Assignment Task: How to respond to the following with at least two citations? Gone are the days where patients had one provider that managed all of their health needs. Full care can consist of many specialists, supportive services or care programs. With the possibility of so many components that could be involved in a single patient's health care the need for access to information related to the patient is important. With the adoption of the electronic health record, the health technology has resulted in improved care coordination. The implementation of an electronic health record allows for better integration among providers by improved infoamrion sharing, viewable and up to date medications and allergy lists, order entry at point of care or off-site, standardization of data, order sets and care plans using evidenced based medicine, and  access to experts for rural areas (HealthIT).

Standardized nursing terminologies (SNTs)  are an understood set of terms used by nursing. The North American Nursing Diagnosis Association International (NANDA-I) is an international terminology for nursing diagnosis. The purpose of NANDA-I is to make sure that documentation made by nurses is consistent and accurate and aid in the clinical decisions and drive nursing interventions. NANDA-I includes 235 nursing diagnoses within 47 classes and 13 domains. The ICNP, International Classification for Nursing Practice, is a nursing terminology that represents nursing diagnosis, outcomes and intervention that depicts actual nursing care ( Nelson & Staggers, 2018).  

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Reference No:- TGS03223548

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