Assignment task:
Here you are, at the end of your 7th semester about to enter your final practicum amidst a pandemic. I can only imagine the relief to be (almost) done, the fears of the unknown, the fatigue of months and months of hard work. Congratulations. I have carried with me an incredible sense of privilege to be a part of your learning journey, thank you for your time, your dedication, and your willingness to share.
In place of the above posting requirements I would like each student to write (in the first-person/journal-style) about their experience of becoming a helper. Corey (2011) states that "the process of becoming a helper is intrinsically related to the process of becoming a person" (p.373). This process requires you to come to understand yourself more deeply, so you can show up and be there for those you support. It requires you to practice what you preach - we have to take the risks to promote growth that we all too often tell our clients about.
For your final reflection post - this is to be a deeply personal contribution - no headers, no citation of resources, no references lists, no regurgitation (I can hear the echoes of cheering). I want you to find a space that is free of distractions, that is quiet, where you can sit and focus. Think about the questions I have posed below, let your mind wander around the topic then... walk us through your journey to how you came to be here, in this moment:
Reflect back on the place in your life you were in when you decided to apply to the program. Were their people, circumstances, or experiences that influenced this decision?
Think back to Semester 1 - how have you changed personally (in your thoughts, emotions, philosophy)?
What pieces of your life (people, hobbies, experiences) did you shelf to focus on your studies that you are excited to soon reintegrate into your life?
At this point in your nursing education - what have you come to learn are your strengths? where would you like to strengthen?
What are your closing remarks - to yourself? To your classmates?
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